Ramallah (QNN)- Palestine Prisoners Center revealed on Saturday that Israeli authorities have been holding Palestinian children at Damon jail in inhumane conditions.
The spokesman for the center, Riyadh Ashqar, said that Israeli authorities have transferred dozens of Palestinian children from Ofer to Damon jails two months ago. The children haven’t gotten any of their basic needs since they arrived in Damon jail although they communicated with the Israeli Prison Service and carried out protests to get their needs. Their protests were met, however, with Israeli repression.
Last week, the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) has put four children in solitary confinement after they rejected to eat as a protest against the harsh conditions in which they live and because the food, served for them, is inedible, according to Ashqar.
The Israelis continue to reject sending adult Palestinian prisoners, who used to be representative of the children, to Damon jail. The adult prisoners used to be responsible for the jailed children, protecting them from the Israeli ill-treatment and exploitation.
Israeli authorities have been practicing all kinds of violations and punishments against children after transferring them away from their representatives.
Ashqar revealed that the children have been jailed in abandoned cells infested with insects and cockroaches. The cells are unsuitable for living; they lack ventilation and sunlight and they have no windows.
The children were prevented from family visits and they were also denied blankets and winter clothes, which caused many of them to be sick.