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Human rights centre: 628 Israeli violations of agreements in eastern Gaza

Gaza (QNN)- A report by Al Mizan human rights centre revealed that ‘Israel’ committed over 628 violations on the separation fence in eastern Gaza during the first six months of 2019.

The violation included 261 attacks on Palestinian workers and 183 against protesters. It also included arresting 56 Palestinians, 15 of whom are children, in addition to 27 raids.

The report focused on Israeli violations in the restricted area, which makes up 35% of the agricultural lands in Gaza strip.

The restricted area is located in eastern Gaza, stretching for 62 KM along the separation line between Gaza and the occupied Palestinian lands, while extending 300-1500 meters deep into Gaza.

Israeli violations in the restricted area killed 32 Palestinians, including 10 children and one woman, and injured 3610 Palestinians, including 1205 children and 168 women (who are mostly protesters).

The report also stated that Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian workers in industrial or agricultural enterprises at the area. They also targeted shepherds, birds hunters, and junk collectors with artillery and machine guns.

The report documented 159 shootings against farmers, one against birds hunter, 41 against shepherds, 11 against junk collectors, and 49 bombings and shootings at empty areas.

The report also said that Israeli soldiers raided into the restricted area and arrested any Palestinians they found after beating and humiliating them.

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