How Did Palestinians in Gaza React to Trump’s Calls for Their Expulsion?

“They’re there because they have no alternative,” Trump told reporters. “What do they have? It is a big pile of rubble.” These words came from US President Donald Trump as he once again pushed for the forced expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza. His comments suggested that Palestinians should leave their homes in search of better living conditions elsewhere, calling Gaza an uninhabitable “pure demolition site” that is “unsafe” and “unsanitary.”
Trump’s call for the mass expulsion of Gaza’s population was framed as a humanitarian solution. He suggested that the people of Gaza should be “relocated” to a “fresh, beautiful piece of land,” with financial backing from various sources to rebuild it. In his vision, Gaza’s residents would be happier elsewhere, claiming that, “If they had the opportunity, they’d love it.”
Trump went further, calling on neighboring Arab countries, particularly Egypt and Jordan, to accept the Palestinians. “I’d like Egypt to take people, and I’d like Jordan to take people,” he said, alluding to a mass relocation of the Gaza population.
How did Gazans React?
In response to these calls, Palestinians in Gaza have expressed strong condemnation. Alaa Shaath, a Gaza resident, vehemently rejected the idea, declaring, “Our blood will not be wasted, and our homes that have been crushed will not be lost.” He insisted that Gaza belongs to the people of Gaza, and only they should rebuild it. “This land is for the Gazans, and only the Gazans will rebuild it.”
دمائنا لن تضيع، وبيوتنا التي سحقت لن تضيع امام كل هذا العبث من ترامب وامريكا وكل من يريد اخراجنا من هذه الارض، بكل هؤلاء المقتولين المذبوحين في غزة هذه الارض للغزازوة ولن يبنيها الا الغزازوة.
— Alaa Shath | علاء شعث (@3laashaath) February 4, 2025
Adham Abu Salmiya, a researcher, recalled a past headline from 1970, when the Jordanian newspaper “Al-Dustour” reported on the beginning of the expulsion of Gaza’s population. Back then, Gaza had a population of 200,000. Today, it is home to nearly 2.5 million Palestinians. Abu Salmiya added, “From Golda Meir to Sharon to Trump… you have all failed and will continue to fail. Gaza will remain, fighting and winning.”
في عام 1970 عنونت صحيفة “الدستور” الأردنية خبراً: “بدء تفريغ قطاع غزة من السكان” وكان العدد آنذاك 200 ألف نسمة فقط.
اليوم، غزة تحتضن قرابة 2.5 مليون فلسطيني، والعدو الصهيوني هو الذي هرب منها تحت ضربات المقاومة عام 2005.من غولدا إلى شارون إلى ترامب… كلكم سقطتم وستسقطون، وغزة…
— أدهـم ابراهيم أبـو سلميـة (@pal00970) February 4, 2025
Baraa said: “My grandfather returned to the family home of my great-grandfather in Shujaiya and settled my uncles, who have grandchildren and great-grandchildren, each one of them in a room. I spoke to them this afternoon, and they were happy, drinking tea. Stop your nonsense, Trump, because they are telling you they will never think of leaving Gaza.
سيدي رجع على بيت العيلة تعت سيدو لسيدي الي في الشجاعية اوك و سكن عمامي إلي عندهم أحفاد أحفاد كل واحد في غرفة و كلمتهم اليوم العصر و كانوا مبسوطين و بيشربوا شاي فسيبك من الهبل يا ترامب و بحكولك ولا بعمرنا بنفكر نطلع من غزة
— Baraa 🇵🇸 (@belejl) February 4, 2025
Human rights advocate Rami Abdu, who is also from Gaza, sharply criticized Trump’s view. “Trump talks about Palestinians in Gaza as if they are nomadic tribes, ignoring that they are the original owners of the land, deeply rooted in it for centuries,” Abdu said. He condemned Trump for being ignorant of Palestinian history and resilience, emphasizing that the people of Gaza will remain steadfast, while Trump will eventually fade into the history books.
يتحدث ترامب عن الفلسطينيين في غزة وكأنهم قبائل غجرية رحّل، متجاهلًا أنهم أصحاب الأرض الأصليون، المتجذرون فيها منذ الأزل.
هذا المعتوه يجهل تاريخنا وصمودنا، ولا يدرك كيف واجه كف شعبنا المخرز عبر العقود الطويلة.
شعبنا باقٍ، أما ترامب فإلى زوال، حيث مزابل التاريخ.
— Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده (@RamAbdu) February 4, 2025
Ahmed Barood, a Gaza resident, questioned Trump’s supposed concern for Palestinians’ well-being, noting the contradiction of previous US actions. “How was it ‘humane’ to force us to live under bombing, hunger, and cold for 15 months?” Barood asked. “They did not care about us during those months, but now they are suddenly concerned over non-explosive rockets.”
وكيف كان من -الإنساني- إجبارنا على العيش فيها لمدة 15 شهر تحت القصف والجوع والبرد.
لم يخافو علينا من آلاف الصواريخ المتفجرة والآن هم خائفون علينا من بضعة صواريخ غير متفجرة!— Ahmed Barood (@abarood) February 4, 2025
Mohammed Abu Salah, another Gaza resident, emphasized that the situation in Gaza is far from normal. “Gaza is in a humanitarian catastrophe,” he said. “Gaza is drowning in rubble in the literal sense, and Trump is blocking real aid from reaching us.”
لأن إيصال الصوت الحقيقي أمانة
غزة تعيش كارثة إنسانية حقيقية، غزة غارقة في الركام بالمعنى الحرفي.
ترامب يمنع دخول أي إغاثة حقيقية!
— MO (@Abu_Salah9) February 4, 2025
Some residents dismissed Trump’s statements with defiance. “Why does the world think that life in Gaza is fine and that people are living normally?” questioned Nawras Atta. “Gaza is devastated, and Trump is preventing real aid from entering. The catastrophe continues.”
هو ليش العالم ماخذة فكرة
انها غزة حاليا امورها تمام والناس عايشة طبيعي !غزة منكوبة .. ترامب مانع دخول كل وسائل الاغاثة
اهل غزة بتحاول باظافر ايديها ..الكارثة كبيرة لحد الان
— NawraS (@Nawras_Atta) February 3, 2025
Hamas Reacts to Trump’s Statement
In an even stronger rejection, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem called Trump’s comments racist and a direct attack on Palestinian rights. “Instead of holding the Israeli occupation accountable for its crimes, Trump rewards it,” Qassem stated. “The true goal of the occupation is to expel the Palestinian people from Gaza, but we will resist this plan. The resistance will continue until Palestinians achieve freedom and independence.”
Another Hamas leader, Izzat Al-Rishq, described Trump’s remarks as a blatant attempt to erase the Palestinian cause. “We reject Trump’s statements, which aim to expel Palestinians under the pretext of reconstruction,” Al-Rishq said. “Gaza has withstood for over fifteen months under siege and bombardment, and we will not accept any plans to uproot us from our land.”
Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official, also responded, stating, “We refuse Trump’s plan to force the people of Gaza out. His comments are a recipe for chaos and tension in the region. The Palestinian people will not accept any plans to expel them from their land. What we need is an end to the occupation, not our displacement.”