Hezbollah threatens to publish footage which proves Israel lied regarding fake casualties

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Al Mayadeen satellite TV. said Monday that Hezbollah has a video footage, which refutes Israeli’s claims regarding trials to fool the Lebanese armed group by faking casualties.
Al Mayadeen quotes “reliable sources” saying that the location targeted by Hezbollah is the highway inroad number 899, which is located behind Avivim settlement 2 km away from the border and the military road. It also stated that the targeted military vehicle was a personnel carrier in Avivim battalion, which withdrew during the attack.
The Israelis, quoted Al Mayadeen, did not expect that such deep location would be attacked, especially that the location wasn’t possible to be seen from most parts of Marour El Ras , Yaroun, and Aytaroun towns in Lebanon.
Al Mayadeen confirmed that the Israeli claims regarding faking casualties distorts the image of the Israeli army. It also wondered about the reason why the Israeli helicopter landed in the attack location twice, compromising its safety, and if that was a part of the “drama” as well.
The Israeli army had claimed, following Hezbollah attack on military vehicle occupied by Israeli soldiers, that the soldiers were painted blood red and bandaged, then were dramatically stretchered off an IOF helicopter in a display more suited to war or military operations in order to fool the armed group.