Hamas: Saudi Arabia arrested one of our senior leaders

Gaza (QNN)- Hamas said Monday “one of its senior leaders” and his son have been in Saudi custody since last April.
In a statement, the movement said the Saudi security services arrested Mohammad Al Khoudary, who has been living in Saudi Arabia for three decades, along with his son, and described the arrest as a “strange and reprehensible action”.
The 81-year-old was “in charge of managing the relationship with Saudi Arabia for two decades and has held senior leadership positions in the movement,” Hamas said.
“Saudi Arabia arrested Al Khodari, although he is 81-years-old, and suffers from an incurable disease,” it added, noting the arrest was yet to be justified.
The arrest of Al Khodari and his son “comes as part of a campaign against many Palestinian people living in Saudi Arabia,” the movement said.
Hamas said that it “remained silent for five months” however no results have so far come to fruition, prompting the release of the statement.
“The movement finds itself obliged to announce this, calling on the Saudi authorities, to release the Al Khodari and his son, as well as all Palestinian detainees.”
On Friday, Euro-Mediterranean Monitor for Human Rights, a Geneva-based group, also said that the Saudi authorities detain around 60 Palestinians in its jails.
In a statement, the rights group called on Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz to order the immediate release of the detainees, especially those who are detained without specific indictments.