Hamas: Hammad’s remarks doesn’t reflect our position

Gaza (QNN)- Hamas movement said on Monday that the remarks made by member of its political bureau Fathi Hammad, in which he called to “kill Jews”, does not reflect the movement’s position.

Hamas said in a press conference that it doesn’t agree with Hammad’s remarks, which he made during a speech to protesters on Gaza boarder last Friday. “This statement does not reflect the official position of Hamas and its consistent and adopted policy, which states that our battle is with the occupation, which occupies our land and profanes our sacred places. It is not a battle with the Jewish people of the world neither with Judaism. Hamas has already condemned before assaults against peaceful Jewish people in their synagogues”.

Hamas also called on Palestinians to stay committed to the decisions and policies of the Higher National Committee of the Great March of Return.

Hamad’s remarks, which he made on Friday, caused controversy among Palestinian officials and locals.

Fathi Hammad stressed in a new statement, which QNN received, on Hamas’s policy, which restricts resistance to the occupation only.

“Hamas restricts resistance to the occupiers, who occupy Palestine and profane our sacred places. This is what Hamas’s political behavior indicates and this is what the movement’s political charter states”, Hammad Said.

“We will continue to resist this entity by all means of resistance; by armed resistance and popular peaceful resistance”, he added.

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