Global 1-star review campaign against FB in protest against bias against Palestine

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Thousands of Facebook users carried out a global one-star review campaign against the app to protest against its bias against the Palestinian content on the internet. Users promoted the campaign using the hashtag #UnmutePalestine.

Users called for giving the app one-star reviews, which would review-bomb the app and may cause it to be deleted from the Google Play Store.

Thousands of users caused the rating of the Facebook app to fall from 3.8 to 1.9 only. Those who took part in the campaign did not forget to write comments, showing solidarity with the Palestinian people and rejecting Facebook’s bias against the Palestinian content.

People have also used other social media platforms to promote the campaign, in which well-known figures took part and promoted.

Facebook and Instagram have been recently removing content and accounts reporting on the Sheikh Jarrah mass eviction and the aggression on the Gaza strip. Both apps remove Palestinian content under the pretext of going against the guidelines.

Meanwhile, Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, tweeted it was facing technical issues on May 6, after hundreds of people began reporting the censorship.

Nadim Nashif, the director of a nonprofit organization called 7amleh that advocates for Palestinian digital rights, told Arab News that Instagram’s explanation did not make sense to them.

“(It) is very weird, like you know, to compare what happened in a certain neighborhood in Jerusalem, with huge countries like Canada, the US and Colombia, doesn’t sound logical to us, doesn’t sound like it’s really explaining, because in Canada and the US they were taking down stories that are about various topics, (but) here (it was) about (a) certain hashtag, specifically about Sheikh Jarrah,” he said.

Last week, Israeli Minister of war Benny Gantz met with Facebook executive, ordering him to “remove content from their sites that he believes will incite violence in Israel or spreads disinformation”, according to Newsweek.

Israeli media had reported that Facebook complies with 95% of Israeli orders to remove Palestinian content.

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