Gaza: Israeli forces injure 46 Palestinians including paramedics

Gaza (QNN)- 46 Palestinians have been wounded on Friday, when Israeli occupation soldiers opened fire to repress the weekly Great Return March protest on the boarders which was today under the title “No for the annexation of the West Bank”.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that those who were wounded include three paramedics, who were trying to provide medical care for other injured protesters.

The Higher Committee of the Great March of Return has called on Palestinians to protests on the separation barriers between Gaza and the occupied land to slam remarks made by the US. ambassador Friedman supporting Israel’s annexation of parts of the occupied West Bank.

“Under certain circumstances,” Friedman said, “I think Israel has the right to retain some, but unlikely all, of the West Bank.”

Friedman’s remarks were faced with strong condemnations by the PLO and the resistance factions.

The Great Return March protests have started in March 2018, calling for the end of the siege on Gaza and the right of Return.

Israel has killed hundreds and injured thousands of protesters during the Great Return March protests, who have been confirmed by the UN to be peaceful. Several paramedics, protesters with special needs, and even children have been directly shot by Israeli snipers, ignoring ethical obligations and international law.

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