Former Israeli envoy to UN urges Biden to call Netanyahu, tweets his number

Former Israeli ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, on Wednesday urged US President Joe Biden to call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On Twitter, Danon wrote that Biden had called world leaders from different countries, including Canada, the UK, France, India, Germany and Japan.

“Might it now be time to call the leader of Israel, the closest ally of the US? The PM’s number is: 972-2-6705555,” he added.

However, that number was apparently out of date and no longer in service, Israeli media said.

Danon’s tweet gained some attention from diplomats, reporters and other public figures.

CNN’s Jake Tapper, as well as actor Seth Rogen, commented on the tweet.

Gérard Araud, France’s former envoy to the US, Israel and the UN, wrote in response to Danon’s tweet, “French proverb: ‘When cuckolded, don’t shout it from the rooftops.’”

Opher Aviran, Israel’s former consul general to the southeastern US, wrote to Danon: “You are an embarrassment to us in Israel. You have no clue what diplomacy is all about.”

Khalil Jahshan, executive director of the Arab Center Washington DC, said Danon’s atypical Twitter overture to Biden stemmed from the unusual nature of relations between the two countries, in which the US treats Israel like a “spoiled child”.

“It’s behaviour typical of a brat,” Jahshan told Middle East Eye(MEE).

“When you don’t get your way – even on minor things – you feel like it’s a zero sum game. That’s the only way to put this type of complaint in context.”

“The Israeli media, particularly the liberal media, is using it to tweak Netanyahu, to tease him,” Jahshan told MEE. “And that is embarrassing on the domestic scene… Before the elections, they are basically trying to portray Netanyahu as having messed up the special relationship with the United States.”

Former President Donald Trump called Netanyahu on January 22, 2017 – two days after being sworn in – and invited the Israeli premier to the White House. The paid had a “warm conversation”, according to a statement by the Israeli government.

Jahshan meanwhile noted that there may be some tensions in the relationship between Biden and Netanyahu, as in 2010, Israeli occupation announced a major settlement expansion in East Jerusalem during a visit by President Biden.

The move was seen as a personal insult to Biden, who denounced it in uncharacteristically stern terms for a US government public statement concerning ‘Israel’.

“I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem,” Biden said in a statement during his visit.

“The substance and timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I’ve had here in Israel.”

Jahshan said the Israeli decision at the time was a “spit in the face” to Biden’s efforts to revive peace talks.

“He hasn’t forgotten the mistreatment that he has received from Netanyahu before, there is no doubt about it.”

Israeli media reported, however, that on Monday, Netanyahu said that he expected Biden to call him “soon,” and that they would meet when the latter starts contacting Middle East leaders, “as he sees fit, appropriate.”

The fact that Biden has not yet called him is not “a sign” of strife in the American-Israeli relations, Netanyahu said.

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