Far-right Danish politician provocatively burns Muslim holy book

Copenhagen (QNN)- Right wing extremist leader of the Stram Kurs (anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic Danish party) on Friday burnt a copy of Qur’an to protest people performing weekly prayer in front of Danish parliament.

In a provocative step against Muslims, who were performing Friday weekly prayer in front of the Danish parliament, which was organized after legal permissions acquired to protest last week’s deadly terror attacks by a right-winger in New Zealand, a group of extreme right wingers carried Israeli flag and disturbed the Muslim group with air horns during their prayer.

Rasmus Paludan, leader of the pro-Israel party, tried to provoke people by burning a copy of Quran wrapped in bacon, while the Copenhagen police took intensive security measures. Several eggs were thrown at Stram Kurs leader and six people were detained.

Last Friday, at least 50 Muslims were killed and as many injured when a right-winger terrorist entered the Al Noor and Linwood mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand and shot worshipers in cold blood, including four children younger than 18.

Source: Anadolu Agency

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