Arab artists, academics, celebrities reject Bahrain’s normalization

Manama (QNN)- Several Arab figures announced their rejection of the Bahraini normalization deal with the occupation state, describing the move of the Bahraini regime of being a betrayal.
The new normalization deal comes less than a month after Trump announced that the UAE will normalize its relations and have a “peace deal” with ‘Israel’ although none of them were actually in war before.
The researcher and professor of the Middle East’s history, Dr. Basheer Nafi’, wrote: “Before they normalize relations with Israel, neither the UAE nor Bahrain were important in the power balance. Their normalization will not change anything in the calculus of power and conflict; the US-Israeli carnival doesn’t reflect the changing realities, however, it reflects Trump’s and Netanyahu’s mere election concerns.”
قبل تطبيعها مع إسرائيل، لم تكن الإمارات ولا البحرين ذات ثقل معتبر في ميزان القوى؛ ولن يفضي تطبيعهما إلى أي تغيير في حسابات القوة والصراع: المهرجان الأميركو-إسرائيلي لا يعكس متغيرات الواقع، بل هموم ترامب ونتانياهو الانتخابية البحتة.
— Basheer Nafiبشيرنافع (@BasheerNafi) September 11, 2020
Kuwaiti host of the well-known talk show Swar Shuaib tweeted: “If you haven’t elected your president, never complain about his normalization. #normalization_is_betrayal ”
إن لم تنتخب رئيسك، فلا تشتكي من تطبيعه.#التطبيع_خيانة
— شعيب راشد (@Sh3aib) September 11, 2020
AlJazeera TV. anchor, Muhammad Krichan, from Tunisia wrote: “Any Arabic normalization deal that doesn’t include Saudi Arabia will be worthless… and everyone’s normalization will be worthless as long as there is a Palestinian struggling for his rights.”
لاقيمة لأي تطبيع عربي مع إسرائيل دون تطبيع السعودية معها..
ولا قيمة لتطبيع الجميع طالما بقي فلسطيني واحد يناضل من أجل حقوقه..#التطبيع_خيانة— محمد كريشان (@MhamedKrichen) September 11, 2020
Sheikh Hussain Al Akraf, an Islamic artist and researcher, wrote: “The Bahraini regime will not withstand the people’s powerful cries against betrayal and normalization and it will legalize silencing those, who support our nation’s issues and chase everyone, who is still a human. However, it is delusional because the voice of Palestine will never be silenced as it is the voice of the heavens, the ground, history, and the promise.”
لن يصمد النظام البحريني طويلاً أمام هدير صرخة الشعب ضد خيانة التطبيع وسيقنن تكميم الأفواه المنتصرة لقضية الأمة ويلاحق آخر إنسان يمارس إنسانيته من أبناء الوطن إلا أنه واهم فلن يسكت صوت فلسطين لأنه صوت السماء والأرض والتاريخ والعهد والوعد.#التطبيع_خيانة
— حسين الأكرف (@alakraf_twitt) September 11, 2020
Bahraini human rights activist and former co-director of the Gulf Center for Human Rights, Maryam Al Khawaja, wrote: “I see a lot of tweeps in #Bahrain writing they’re ashamed to be Bahraini today. I’ll never be ashamed to be Bahraini, I’m proud of the people who fight injustice locally and have always stood with justice #Palestine. Bahrain is it’s people, the regimes only represent themselves.”
“The Alkhalifas monarchy took over #Bahrain by force and has ruled by force, systematically marginalizing and discriminating against the majority of the population, while working on changing the demographic through political naturalization.. why is any surprised about the deal?”
I see a lot of tweeps in #Bahrain writing they’re ashamed to be Bahraini today. I’ll never be ashamed to be Bahraini, I’m proud of the people who fight injustice locally and have always stood with justice #Palestine. Bahrain is it’s people, the regimes only represent themselves
— Maryam Alkhawaja (@MARYAMALKHAWAJA) September 11, 2020
The Alkhalifas monarchy took over #Bahrain by force and has ruled by force, systematically marginalizing and discriminating against the majority of the population, while working on changing the demographic through political naturalization.. why is any surprised about the deal?
— Maryam Alkhawaja (@MARYAMALKHAWAJA) September 11, 2020
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Member of PLO Executive Committee, thanked the people of Bahrain for their solidarity with the Palestinian people and rejection of their regime’s normalization.
To the incredible, honourable people of Bahrain: we are overwhelmed & heartened by your support & solidarity. We never doubted your genuine commitment to Palestine. We love you. 🇧🇭🇵🇸#بحرينيون_ضد_التطبيع #Bahrainis_against_normalisation.
— Hanan Ashrawi (@DrHananAshrawi) September 11, 2020
Journalist Ali Hashem wrote that Arabic regimes have never protected the Palestinian existence, neither before the Belfour declaration nor after the Nakba or after that. What protected the Palestinian existence for decades was the Palestinian people and resistance, which have been the real power in the conflict with the occupiers. Anything else is worthless.
١- لم يكن يوما النظام الرسمي العربي حاميا لوجود فلسطين، لا كان كذلك قبل أن يصبح نظاما (وعد بلفور) ولا في حرب 1948، ولا لاحقا، الذي أبقى وجودا للقضية الفلسطينية عَلى مدى العقود كان الشعب الفلسطيني والمقاومة التي صنعت ثقلا حقيقيا في المواجهة مع المحتل، غير ذلك لا معنى له.
— Ali Hashem علي هاشم (@alihashem_tv) September 12, 2020
From Saudi Arabia, the head of the Arabic Network for Studies, Nawwaf Al Qudaimi wrote: “It is worth mentioning that the Palestinian people have given a long and unprecedented history of resistance against occupation, upholding their land, and rejecting concessions. It is also important to say that their new generations are no different than their old ones upholding the cause and insisting on the right of return and resistance.”
خارج كادر المعارك العبثية، يجدر التذكير بحقيقة أن الشعب الفلسطيني قدم تاريخ نضالي طويل وغير مسبوق ضد الاحتلال، وعلى صلابة التمسك بالأرض ورفض المساومات والتنازل، وأن أجيالهم الجديدة لا تختلف عن القديمة في التماهي مع القضية والتأكيد على حق العودة واستمرار النضال .. ولا حكم للشذوذات
— نواف القديمي (@Alqudaimi) September 12, 2020