AOC under fire over criticism of Israel’s practices

United States (QNN)- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agreed that ‘Israel’ is “criminal and unjust” in its treatment of Palestinians, who have no other choice but to “riot” against the occupation state.

The host asserted that “corrupt” governments in Israel, the United States, Russia and Saudi Arabia were “all working in concert.”

“How do you have white supremacist Jews?” Ebro asked. “How do you have people like Stephen Miller? How do you have these individuals who are legit aligning with racism and white supremacy, but they’re Jewish? And it’s something that most people can’t wrap their brains around. But it’s a real thing.”

He added: “And what’s going on with Israel and Palestine, while it’s very, very, deep, it is very, very, criminal, and it is very, very unjust.”

Ocasio-Cortez agreed, saying “Absolutely” and adding that “I think, too, where we’re at as a country when it comes to Israel-Palestine is very much a generational issue.”

She said the right-wing unfairly accuses her of anti-Semitism when she’s actually just being critical of the Israeli government and practices.

“Criticizing the occupation doesn’t make you anti-Israel, frankly. It doesn’t mean that you are against the existence of a nation,” she said. “It means that you believe in human rights, and it’s about making sure that Palestinian human rights are equal to Israeli human rights, and there are a lot of troubling things happening there.”

Ocasio-Cortez went on to say that Palestinians also have no other choice but to resort to resistance as they are marginalized and denied their basic rights.

“Jewish people have been persecuted throughout all of human history, but I don’t think that by marginalizing Palestinians, you create safety,” she said.

“I believe that injustice is a threat to the safety of all people, because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized — once someone doesn’t have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot, right? And it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Right wing and pro Israel media slammed Ocasio-Cortez and called her antisemitic.

The exchange comes only a week after Miller criticized freshman congresswoman for comparing illegal immigrant detention facilities to concentration camps weeks earlier, and used the Jewish and Holocaust card against her.

“I’m a Jew. As a Jew, as an American Jew, I am profoundly outraged by the comments from Ocasio-Cortez,” Miller said while appearing on Fox News.

“It’s a historical smear. It is a sinful comment. It minimizes the death of six million of my Jewish brothers and sisters,” he continued. “It minimizes the suffering and it paints every patriot law enforcement officer as a war criminal.”

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