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African Union Limits Observer Participation, Preempting Israeli Controversy

The African Union (AU) issued a statement clarifying the participation rules for observer states at its upcoming summit, preempting Israel's intervention.

Occupied Palestine (Quds News Network)- The African Union (AU) has issued a statement clarifying the participation rules for observer states at its upcoming summit, set for mid-February. According to Al Jazeera, the AU’s official memorandum restricts observers, including Israel, to attending only the opening and closing sessions.

The memo states that invitations are strictly addressed to heads of observer missions. No additional delegations or advisors will be allowed, a rule that was previously violated by Israel in the 36th and 37th summits, leading to its removal from the hall.

Al Jazeera cited an African diplomatic source as stating that the AU aims to prevent a repeat of last year’s incident. In the previous African Union summit, an Israeli delegation entered the opening session uninvited and was later expelled. The source confirmed that the memo signals ongoing disputes over Israel’s observer status, which remains a divisive issue among AU members.

Since its founding in 2002, the AU has granted observer status to 87 non-African states. Observers can attend meetings and participate in discussions but have no voting rights. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was the first to receive observer status in 1973 and continues to enjoy strong African support.

In recent decades, Israel has sought AU observer status to counter Palestinian influence. It secured this status in 2021 but was later expelled following opposition from African nations, which cited Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian land as a violation of AU principles.

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