Activists slam Israel’s celebration of ethnic cleansing

Activists all over the world tweeted on the hashtag #Nakba72 to remind everyone that Israel's 'independence day' is a celebration of ethnic cleansing

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Amid Israeli celebrations of the so-called ‘Israeli independence day’, a wave of posts and stories swept social media platforms, reassuring that what the Israelis are celebrating is actually the ethnic cleansing and expulsion of the native Palestinians from Palestine.

Thousands of activists all over the globe participated in the ongoing social media campaign using the hashtag #Nakba72 to remind everyone how ‘Israel’ was created on the dead bodies of an indigenous people and the ruins of their villages.

Some activists thought it would be good to remind people of historic facts.

Others reassured their solidarity with the Palestinian cause until liberation.

Some activists shared photos showing the way how life in Palestine was before the creation of ‘Israel’.

Others stressed the Israeli ethnic cleansing and displacement are still taking place.

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