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15 Palestinian prisoners face death any time soon

Ramallah (QNN) – 15 Palestinian prisoners are facing death any time now at al-Ramal Prison’s hospital, the Commission of Detainees’ Affairs warned on Sunday.

In a report published by the Commission, it was mentioned that the health conditions of 15 Palestinian prisoners at al-Ramlah Prison have been deteriorating dramatically due to extremely bad detention ill-treatment.

“Most of them are paralyzed and move on wheelchairs or rely on other prisoners to meet their daily needs,” the report added.

The prisoners have suffered from medical negligence, a policy has been long adopted by the Israeli Prison Service, in addition to poor medical services and lack of medications, the Commission added.

Moreover, the Palestinian prisoners said they are bargained by the Israeli Prison Service to receive their medications or pain killers, or to be diagnosed.

Al-Ramla Prison Hospital usually receives the hard cases, such as those with special needs, who are severely injured by gunshots, or who suffer from chronic diseases and malignant tumors for years.

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